Dear Game On! Families, Friends and Supporters:


 Starting way back when and continuing on through the present, sports and fitness have played such an integral part in my life. Whether recreational or competitive, my experiences have been fun and life changing. While my parents do indeed deserve significant credit, sports really did help to define me as a person.

Game On! Sports 4 Girls is my way of giving back – passing on a gift that has unlimited layers of wrapping, each unveiling a special essence to be coveted.

My team’s work toward bringing quality sports opportunities and experiences to young female athletes spanning all levels produces the sweat, the smiles and laughter, the memories and friendships, the achievements and challenges, and the personal growth that girls deserve.

Thank you to the families who trust, long-time Director of Operations, teammate and friend Sara Hokin, my incredible staff who have made Game On! what it is today, and our precious campers past and present.

Game On! is a labor of love. A dream come true.


Our Team

Founder & Co-Owner
Co-Owner & Director of Operations
Director of Communications
Owner, Game On! Sports 4 Girls Northern Utah
Director of Flag Football