General Information
What types of programs does Game On! offer?
Game On! offers multi-sport programming that includes:
- Summer day camps
- After school classes
- Pre-school classes
- Day off school events
- Reading empowerment programs
- Birthday parties
- Proud to Throw Clinics
- Girl Scout merit badge clinics
- Sports Leadership Programs
Don’t hesitate to ask about our community service programs!
Have other suggestions for programming? Let us know!
We also…
- Donate to community/school auctions
- Run fundraisers at community/school events
Please note that options may vary depending on location.
Game On! Summer Day Camp Locations
Chicago, IL (Lakeview) – Walt Disney Magnet School, 4140 N. Marine Drive
Chicago, IL (West Loop) Sports Leadership Camp Only – Bennett Day School, 955 W Grand Ave
Glencoe, IL – Weinberg Family Recreation Center, 305 Randolph Road
Lake Forest, IL – Woodlands Academy, 760 E Westleigh Road
Boulder, CO (Licensee)- Platt Middle School, 6096 Baseline Road
Heber City, UT (Licensee) – Southfield Park, 895 W. 100 S
Kaysville, UT (Licensee) –Barnes Park, 950 W 200 N
Park City, UT (Licensee) – Willow Creek Park, 4462 Split Rail Lane
More camps and school year programming to come in the near future. Let us know how we can bring camps and/or programming to your community.
Mailing Address (year-round)
Please mail everything (including camp payments, online checks, etc.) for ILLINOIS PROGRAMS ONLY to our corporate office:
Game On! LLC
1910 Duffy Lane
Bannockburn, IL 60015
Game On! Summer Day Camp Prices & Times
Under “Locations” on our website, click on the camp location of choice, and “Summer Camp” and you will find prices, dates, and camp times. Our camp days typically run from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Depending upon the campsite, we may also offer pre and post-camp care. (For those camps where the demand is too low for pre and post camp care, we have a very successful “coach connection program” that might satisfy your care needs.)
Camp Registration
How do I register for Game On! Sports Camp 4 Girls?
For all camps, a link to registration is conveniently located on your location’s summer camp page.
How can I check details of my registration, including weeks registered, financial information or Game On!’s FEIN #?
CHICAGO (DISNEY) & LAKE FOREST: You can log into your account through Nike Sports Camps here. If you have any questions or issues regarding registration please reach out to Nike Camp Operator, U.S. Sports Camps, at 1-800-645-3226 or
CHICAGO (BENNETT): Please reach out to Bennett Day School at
GLENCOE: Please reach out to the park district at 847-835-3030 for registration information.
For our FEIN # please contact Game On! at or 847-229-9959
Do I have flexibility in the number of weeks my campers can attend Game On!?
Yes, most of our camps offer the flexibility of registering per week for as many weeks as you choose. Note: The more weeks your camper can attend, the more rewarding, productive, educational and fun the experience will be for many reasons. The Game On! program is strategically designed so that with each additional week, your campers are enriched with new opportunities that foster growth as an athlete and a person.
I registered last year. Do I need to proceed through the entire registration process again?
If you are a returning camper, most of your information should be saved from the previous year. That said, please be sure to carefully review all information to assure your camper’s information is accurate and up to date.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to be thorough in your registration answers. We really do pay attention and use the information you provide to create the best possible Game On! experience for your camper. We care!
How do I make changes to my registration info once registered?
CHICAGO (DISNEY) & LAKE FOREST: Please reach out to Nike Sports Camps at 1-800-645-3226 or
CHICAGO (BENNETT): Please reach out to Bennett Day School at
GLENCOE: Please direct all registration questions to the Glencoe Park District at (847) 835-3030.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that all programming is unique to Game On! Bennet Day School, Nike/U.S Sports Camps, and the Glencoe Park District ONLY handle registration on our behalf.
Can I add on weeks during the summer and if so, what is the cost?
Have your schedules or circumstances changed allowing you to add weeks? We welcome campers to add weeks contingent upon availability. If the registration process is not operational for the weeks you would like to add, please contact our office at 847-229-9959, Nike/U.S. Sports Camps, Bennett Day School or the Glencoe Park District.
How do I notify Game On! if I am adding an authorized driver to pick-up my daughter from camp?
ALL LOCATIONS: Please email with the camper’s name, camp location and new authorized pickup person’s first and last names. Reminder that anyone picking up your camper MUST be on their authorized list and provide ID.
If your addition is made after 1 p.m., please call our office at 847.229.9959 as well.
Payment & Related Policies
How do I make my full payment and what are my payment options, including deadlines and late fees?
Payment is due in accordance with the respective camp’s registration procedures. Payment plans are available at all locations. All fees must be paid in full before your camper is allowed to begin her camp experience.
Am I entitled to a refund or make-up days if my camper has to miss a day(s) we have paid for?
While we will sorely miss your camper, remember that your family is not entitled to a refund or make-up days for camp days missed due to sickness, injury, vacation, or other similar reasons.
What if I add on a week(s) - what is my payment obligation?
Payment is due in accordance with the respective camp’s registration procedures. All fees must be paid in full before your camper is permitted to start her added week(s).
Are all camp-day activities and services included in camp tuition?
All are included with the exception of horseback riding, select on-site mini camps run by professional athletes or organizations, after camp care (if offered at your site), and the optional lunch program (available at select camps). There may be additional optional specialty camps or activities added at any time. Some may warrant added charges, and some may not. Rest assured, we will inform you via email of additional opportunities as they arise.
How do I find out my account balance?
CHICAGO & LAKE FOREST: You can find your balance in your Nike/U.S. Sports Camp account.
BENNETT: Please contact the school at
GLENCOE: Please contact the park district.
Camp Policies
Am I able to visit/see camp before the summer begins?
Unfortunately, we are rarely able to give you a full tour of our non-Park District sites since they are in use by our host colleges or schools. However, we are more than happy to come to your home or schedule a Zoom meeting so we can show our camp video and walk you through a summer Game On! style. If interested, please call our office at 847-229-9959 to schedule a date.
Note however that we often try to schedule an open house in the weeks prior to starting camp. At that time we do our best to offer a camp tour, the chance to meet some of our summer coaching and directing team and even distribute camp swag. For camp locations on Park District property, feel free to contact the PD to request a tour.
What should my camper bring to camp?
Your camper’s backpack should contain:
- Sunscreen (administered for the first time prior to leaving home in the a.m.)
- Filled water bottle
- Lunch (unless ordering our catered lunch option where available)
- Nut-free snacks in a resealable container
- Towel
- Hand sanitizer
- Change of clothes (including underwear and socks)
- Hat (optional)
- Hair tie/headband for longer hair (optional)
- Personal sports equipment – tennis racquet, lacrosse stick, etc. (optional)
Please make sure all items are labeled with your camper’s first and last name. Although campers are welcome to bring their own sports equipment, it is not necessary as we have plenty to accommodate all campers. Note that while lunches and snacks cannot be refrigerated, they will be kept indoors.
It is also crucial that your campers wear laced or velcro gym shoes to camp. Sandals, flip flops and slip-on shoes (such as crocs) are not permitted unless worn solely in a pool area, during scheduled water activities, or on water-related field trips.
Can my camper go home with another camper after camp?
Absolutely! In fact, it would warm our hearts to learn that the play date is with a new camp friend. However, all individuals picking up your camper MUST be on the authorized pickup list.
For all locations, please email to add someone to your list.
If after 1 p.m., email AND call the camp office at 847-229-9959 to let us know of the change. For security purposes, your camper will NOT be permitted to leave camp with anyone not listed, even if they provide I.D.
How does Game On! group our campers?
We group our campers by grade. If your camper requests to be with a friend that is not going into the same grade in school, there is a chance they will not be grouped together. If you anticipate this situation might pose a challenge, please call our office at 847-229-9959 to discuss.
What do I do if my camper cannot make it to camp on any given day?
Please call 847-229-9959 or email as early as possible to let us know. And please convey the message back to your camper that we hope for a quick return. Remember that we do not offer refunds nor can we guarantee make-up days for missed days.
Can I visit camp during the summer to see my camper in action?
You bet! Save the date because at most of our camps, our end-of-camp ceremonies incorporate the opportunity for you to catch a glimpse of your campers as they participate in activities typical of a Game On! day.
Moreover, we most definitely welcome you to visit camp during the course of the summer. Our only request is that you call at least a day in advance of your anticipated visit for the purpose of assuring that our camp schedule for that particular day does not include special activities, field trips or events that might interfere with observing your camper in action.
Will Game On! honor all of our friendship requests?
So sorry, but we can only guarantee one. Safety and first-class care are our main priorities and only maintained with strict attention to coach/camper ratios. But rest assured that if your campers are not with ALL requested friends, they will be with at least one AND part of a team environment that will encourage making new, life-long friends and teammates.
Health & Safety, including weather-related questions
What is Game On!'s immunization policy?
Game On! reserves the right to require all vaccinations recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Camp Association (ACA). We do encourage the completion of a full immunization record in the best interest of the health and welfare of all campers.
COVID VACCINES – At this time we reserve the right to require that all campers and staff are vaccinated in accordance with CDC, State, American Camp Association and host facility guidelines and mandates.
Medication Policy: What if my camper needs medication at camp?
All medications must be maintained and administered by our Game On! Trainer or qualified staff.
Exception: Your camper may be authorized to carry a second EpiPen and/or inhaler.
If you are bringing medication(s) to camp, please:
- Place in a resealable storage bag with your camper’s name
- Include a photo of your camper and instructions for administration in the bag
- Make sure your camper gives it to a member of the Game On! Staff
What will my Game On! camper do when severe weather hits?
Our active fun and learning will simply move safely indoors to our gyms and other open areas. Rest assured, they are not sitting around waiting for the conditions to abate.
How will extreme heat affect my camper’s day?
When your camper arrives home that day and raves about their typical sports-crazy day, you will undoubtedly wonder how it’s possible given the summer heat. At Game On! we have mastered the art of staying cool: Of course, we are very careful to make sure the campers stay well hydrated, encouraging them to drink regularly from their water bottles which are refillable from our accessible and abundant jugs around camp.
On top of that,we have perfected the incorporation of water fun into the day. Picture this: sprinklers on the field with campers running in and out in between innings or during time outs; sopping wet athletes learning, actively engaged, and having fun; campers galore playing sports impervious to the 100-degree reading on the thermometer. Slip & Slides on the softball fields – skill of the day is learning how to slide properly!!!!!! No wonder campers flock to the softball fields when given the choice that afternoon!
AND, JUST AS IMPORTANT, our campsites offer cooler indoor space, so we can move our sports play inside if conditions warrant.
Note that staff will very carefully monitor campers during extreme heat days to assure their health and welfare.
What if my camper does not feel good or suffers an injury during camp?
Depending on the campsite, we may have a certified professional trainer on site at all times who will be there to administer first aid, call home when necessary, and/or determine if more complete medical attention is warranted. Otherwise all directors and most coaches are first aid and CPR certified.
Is transportation available for Game On! Campers?
Generally, transportation is not available at most of our camps, though from time to time we can provide a designated cluster shuttle service if there is sufficient demand and we can find the driver, bus and/or van. (Typically, there is a reasonable extra charge for this Game On! shuttle.)
We have also been quite successful in connecting Game On! coaches with camp families needing transportation and/or pre or post camp care beyond what is offered at each camp location. Please note though that if your family does connect with a Game On! coach, any and all care services provided by the coach are separate and apart from any and all Game On! services. So, all communication, payment, scheduling, etc. are completely independent of Game On! Sports Camp 4 Girls. Game On! assumes no responsibility, liability or accountability whatsoever.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Lunch & Snack Info and Policies
What are Game On!’s food policies?
For the safety of all campers and to prevent unintended allergic reactions, Game On! strictly adheres to the following policies:
- All food should be 100% NUT-FREE, no exceptions. This includes peanut butter, almond butter, Nutella, etc. For ideas on nut-free brands and foods, please see the Snack Safely Guide.
- Campers are not permitted to share food at any time, with the exception of siblings.
NOTE: Food is unable to be refrigerated at camp.
Should my camper bring snacks to camp?
Yes! Campers tend to work up an appetite during their sports-filled day. Please send 1-2 hearty snacks to camp. Snacks should be nut-free and carried in a resealable container or baggie.
Can I purchase lunch for my camper?
Some of our camp locations do offer the option to purchase a balanced, healthy, kid-friendly lunch for your camper. If this option is available, you will be able to add it on for an additional fee during the camp registration process or even after should you change your mind.
Yes, it is important to offer healthy, kid-friendly food. We encourage our campers to eat a balanced meal. Our meals typically include an entrée, starch, fruit and veggie.
Camp Programming
How is the typical camp day structured?
The typical Game On! camp day combines learning, individually paced challenge, and fun play in 4 to 6 different sports which may include tennis, volleyball, basketball, softball, lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, flag football, touch rugby, yoga, martial arts, team handball, kickball, spikeball and more. While the mornings offer team-structured rotations through some of our core sports, the afternoons emphasize individual choice or all-camp games. Coached by role models who share the passion to pass on the gift of sports, every Game On! Girl is given the chance to feel the reward of progress and a deep sense of all that revolves around the concepts of team and GirlStrong.
Besides teaching the fundamental skills and a pure understanding of sport – both of which are crucial to long-term enjoyment and keeping girls in the game – our daily focus reaches way beyond the sports field. We discuss health and wellness as it relates to girls, we talk girl talk, we watch motivational videos, we instill values, and from time to time, we bring in accomplished professionals to tell their stories.
Finally, a typical day finishes with popsicles, uplifting shout-outs about teammates, an ear-piercing rendition of our Game On! song and our pledge which states: I STRIVE TO BE GIRLSTRONG. STRONG IN BODY, STRONG IN MIND AND STRONG IN TEAM, GAME ON!
Every day is empowering, active and pure fun!!!!
What does a typical week at Game On! involve?
No matter which weeks your campers attend, she will play most of our core sports and then some. Specifically, most mornings, your camper may rotate through three or four of our eight core sports which might include soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis and pickleball (facility dependent), lacrosse, softball and field hockey. By the end of each week, your campers will have really learned and progressed in the core sports of the week, earning the coveted fun of Game Day Fridays.
Afternoons during each week may involve our Healthier4Me creative project and discussion, additional exposure to our core sports, and an optional activity which offers your camper or her team different division-based options from which to choose. Here the list grows to possibly include sports such as yoga, karate, golf, flag football, ultimate frisbee, rugby, badminton, floor hockey, fitness, track & field, and dance/cheer. But don’t rule out an afternoon time devoted to all camp games such as Capture the Flag or Dodgeball, water wars, slip and slide, and carnival.
Note that no two weeks of camp are alike. Thrown into the mix are dress up or empowerment days, team projects, special guests and silly stuff. You should definitely also leave room for a bunch of surprises, not to mention our spontaneous dance parties.
Will my camper do anything besides play sports?
At Game On!, we pride ourselves on being a sports camp that incorporates and cherishes a traditional camp culture. And wow, do we get creative!!!!!
How does Game On!’s Got Talent sound? Our talent show is most definitely one of the most treasured days of the summer.
The fun, creative list goes on: Team banner painting; tie-dye days; team skit, cheer, dress-up days and handshake contests; lanyard-making; watermelon eating competition: girlstrong chalk talk…
Summer to summer, depending on your camp location, campers may also enjoy Carnival Day, field trips to women’s sporting events, STEM, boating, water park days and ice skating – SUMMER FUN LIKE YOU’VE NEVER IMAGINED.
Is Game On! Sports Camp 4 Girls a competitive camp?
We are not a “competitive camp,” though we offer ample opportunity for our athletes to experience healthy competition. The bottom line is that skill-building, sportsmanship, team spirit, and teamwork score just as many points in the tally as a win during morning team rotations. During afternoon optionals, our campers often have a menu of choices that include competitive sports, advanced skill work, wacky fun such as backward softball, or the new and different such as yoga, karate, ultimate Frisbee, team handball, spikeball, etc. We work hard to strike a balance that accommodates all.
Game On! is NOT about the pressure to win. Rather healthy competition and challenge are balanced by the chance to frolic and play just for the fun of it. We all understand that competition is a part of life – girls need to be prepared to face life’s challenges. So, we have mastered the programming that fosters such growth without the intensity and “win at all costs” environment.
Can you describe the optional Horseback Riding Field Trip?
Throughout the summer, depending upon your camp location, we may offer your camper (ages 6 and up) the chance to visit a respected stable for a basic/beginner riding experience. For an extra fee, our riding partners provide your camper a one-time per camp season opportunity for instruction during a group ride combined with a lesson in horsemanship. The instruction typically involves hunter seat riding.
Further description of field trip: Knowing how to safely care for horses is just as important as knowing how to ride. On this field trip, campers will have a fun, safe, hands-on opportunity to learn and engage in all facets of horsemanship. Participants will receive top-notch hunter seat riding instruction from staff. They will also experience horse health care, grooming, tacking, nutrition, and learn about safety and horse behavior. Note that this field trip is not designed for riders with experience.
For campsites where horseback riding is offered, once registered, campers will need to bring us a completed waiver and pay in full in order to participate. NOTE THAT REGISTRATION IS ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVE BASIS AND FILLS UP VERY QUICKLY. EACH CAMPER CAN SIGN UP FOR ONE RIDING FIELD TRIP PER CAMP SEASON.
What is involved in our Game On! CIT (Coach-in-Training) Program?
The Game On! Coach- in- Training (CIT) Program welcomes girls and boys entering their freshman and sophomore years in high school who are looking for special training that involves working with young kids through sports.
- Train with experienced role models whose share our passion for passing on the gift of sports and fitness
- Learn by doing – you will have significant (supervised) responsibilities that can potentially involve administrative tasks, program administration, creative projects and coaching/instructing campers
- Build up to teaching sports as a part of our structured curriculum
- Experience your own growth as an athlete and a person
- Flexible multi-week options
To learn more about the program and to apply, please visit our Join Our Team Page.
What is involved in our Ponytails program for rising K and 1st graders?
This program is specially designed for kids in kindergarten and 1st grade as part of the overall Game On! camp experience. Note that kids in this age group will automatically be placed in the Ponytail Program during camp registration and are eligible for our half day program as well.
Our Ponytail Program is all about
- Exposure to a wide variety of sports and activities which may include tennis, pickleball, flag football, volleyball, basketball, softball, soccer, lacrosse, karate, yoga, dance, field hockey, track & field, kickball, fitness and more
- Focus on developing the coordinated movements behind sports skills through our proven and customized teaching methodology and FUN
- Attention to life skills and values such as teamwork, sportsmanship, spirit, effort, and persistence captured through sports play and special projects
- Empowering and creative active play, contests, challenges and games
- Team oriented projects that might include art, skits, songs, sidewalk chalk and storytelling
- FUN (It’s worth repeating) with some of our all camp traditions such as carnival, tie dye, capture the flag, chalk talk, dress up days, etc.
- Exposure to the most amazing role models
What does the Bright Stars program entail for 2nd-5th graders?
Our Bright Stars programming, similar to our other age-based programs, also stands out as redefining the sports camp experience. Think of it as a unique mix that heavily focuses on each camper’s growth as an athlete AND a person without regard to skill level. From day 1, your camper belongs on the Game On! Team for life.
What can you expect from the Bright Stars Program?
- Exposure to and measurable progress in sports and activities that may include tennis, pickleball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, flag football, yoga, teambuilding, track & field and the list goes on.
- A unique, empowering environment that not only promotes enhanced confidence both on and off the sports fields, but teaches the importance of respecting and uplifting everyone around you.
- Weekly involvement in our signature Healthier4Me curriculum that offers fun and creative lessons covering topics such as persistence, goal setting, teamwork, respect for yourself and others, nutrition, giving feels good, sportsmanship and leadership.
- An incentive program that offers awards for going above and beyond when it comes to good character, behavior, and attitude that deserve recognition.
- The chance to frolic, laugh, take risks without being judged and the encouragement and freedom to set your own learning pace.
- Camp traditions that include water wars, tie dye, empowering dress up days, spirit contests, World Games Week, Challenge Course Fridays and more.
- Role models who are also highly trained to deliver our impact.
Our Game On! programming is like no other!
Tell me about your Game On! Sports Leadership program.
Designed for our oldest campers, the Sports Leadership program offers a curriculum that is designed to promote growth as a leader on the sports fields and off.
Campers will play & learn multiple sports daily while also incorporating lessons relating to traits that define an effective leader like:
- Communication
- Setting Goals
- Collaboration
- Problem Solving
- Decision making
- and much more!
Plus direct experience working with younger kids!
BONUS – fun camp traditions like water wars, theme days, spirit competitions & more!
Will my travel athlete be challenged?
Your travel athlete WILL be challenged, and our coaches are trained to motivate your campers to advance their skills. Not only might they have the opportunity to participate in advanced and competitive optionals (and depending on the camp site private or small group lessons), but they will have the chance to challenge themselves in their sport during Game Day Fridays as well. In essence, the Game On! program inspires growth and improvement for every level athlete in all the sports we offer.
Will my camper play a variety of sports at Game On!?
Yes. The program is designed so that campers will have the opportunity to play more sports than you can imagine on a daily basis. Aside from the instruction your camper will receive, she will be exposed to the traditional and non-traditional, with creative and fun twists that make Game On! so unique. For specifics, check out the “Sports We Play” page.
What if my camper is not a great athlete and has never played various sports?
Game On! will provide the perfect environment for your campers to explore while having a blast. Whether their experience ultimately heightens confidence and interest in a certain sport, or they stay active for the pure joy, your campers will thrive.
Can my camper come to camp and just work on one sport?
While Game On! does offer specialty camps and lessons in certain sports at some of our campsites for our older campers (subject to expansion and based on demand), a summer at Game On! is all about exposure and growth in multiple sports.
For our younger campers, our program offers the chance to experience variety and develop the confidence they need to determine where their more specific interests may lie.
For our older campers, we subscribe to the theory that after an intense and competitive school year, they may need to lay back and have some fun enjoying other sports. In addition, analogous to the benefits said to accrue from cross training, research shows that participation in other sports may very well lead to improvement in the core areas of their specialties. (i.e. the footwork and reflex work demanded in tennis will most definitely lead to increased quickness in other sports.)
I read that my daughter will grow as an athlete AND a person. How do you accomplish personal growth?
Teaching life skills and enforcing sound values along with learning to make smart choices pervade every aspect of camp. Not a minute goes by without attention to building solid character as we incorporate values such as good sportsmanship, teamwork, spirit, effort, leadership, perseverance, courage, etc. into each and every day. Even our team incentive program awards significant points for these values.
Given that teams are working toward awards, our campers come to understand our emphasis on character very quickly. Moreover, we encourage daily shout outs that recognize model behavior and may go to the extent of awarding individual ribbons for effort, courage, team contribution, GirlStrong, leadership, and sportsmanship if a camper is exhibiting behavior that goes above and beyond. Even better, we create an environment where campers learn to feel GOOD INSIDE about demonstrating these positive values and making progress – it’s not all about the points or awards!
Tell us about the awards our Game On! Girls can EARN at camp.
While campers are motivated to EARN the awards described below, note that out of all the rewards we offer, our biggest emphasis is on the reward of personal progress/advancement and the pride that goes with. We make a BIG DEAL out of the slightest bit of progress, helping campers to learn and feel deep down that heart-thumping sense of pride. We hope in the end that this feeling of accomplishment outweighs any award they earn.
Game Day Friday
- All week long, campers will be working on a variety of skills in each sport, and Friday is the day they finally get to put them all together and play! Ribbons will be awarded to first and second place teams. (Note that the teams are changed up per sport so that the same combination of players are not playing each other all day long.) Trophies will be awarded for campers who truly stand out when it comes to Heart & Hustle, Most Improved (observed all week long) and Most Valuable Player (Observed all week long)
Character Ribbons
- Awards for behavior and attitude that go above & beyond (sportsmanship, special achievement, effort, GirlStrong and courage)
- A ribbon will be awarded for our Sports Leader of the week
Campers of the Week
- Award for all-around attitude/behavior that goes above and beyond & serves as a model for all to follow
Team Points
- Teams will earn points in categories that include teamwork, team spirit, team sportsmanship, and team efforts that go above and beyond both on and off the field.
Should I be concerned that my camper’s feelings might be hurt if her friends or teammates earn awards and she does not?
Great question. EVERY CAMPER HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN AWARDS AT GAME ON! And we make sure all our Game On! campers know just what it takes. The fact that some earn more or different awards than others is true to life. Most important is that all are well informed and have equal opportunity, not to mention the fact that integrated into this system is teaching campers to set and work toward goals while practicing good sportsmanship like respecting and congratulating their teammates.
Is swimming offered at the Game On! Camp locations?
Because our facilities are typically schools without pools, we are constantly in search of nearby swimming pools which at a minimum can offer times for free swim and at best might also include the opportunity for instructional classes. Please see your camp location page for details.
Scholarship Fund
How can I donate?
We can accept donations through online Zelle payments using the email or Venmo to @gameonsports. But in all cases, please make sure you label with “SCHOLARSHIP FUND DONATION” so we can take care to separate these funds from the rest.
I noticed that you have a scholarship fund – how are donations used?
Our Game On! Scholarship Fund was created in response to the overwhelming demand and need for assistance to underprivileged kids both interested in and deserving of participation in Game On! camps and programming. While it is not a 501(c)(3), rest assured that 100% of your donation will go toward scholarships or our funding of Game On! programming for select underserved organizations.
How do I apply for a scholarship?
Please complete the scholarship application here.
How do you select your Game On! Staff?
Our staff is critical to keeping your daughters safe and carrying out our mission of empowering girls for life through sports. So we are extremely selective, hiring athletes who are teachers, coaches, college students or rising seniors in high school as our “full coaches and directors.” (We do hire junior coaches from time to time if we know them well and/or come highly recommended.) Every coach we hire is a role model who shares our passion to pass on the gift of sports to young girls. Every coach we hire understands from personal experience just what sports can do for a young girl. We consider experience with youth, athletic background, personal style and energy, among other characteristics.
All paid staff 18 yrs of age and older, whether hired for camp or the school year, have passed a criminal background check that includes fingerprinting AND completed our thorough and strategic training.
School Year Programs
Where are your school year programs offered?
Class and event locations vary depending on facility and staff availability.
Please check your closest location page for our latest offerings.
If you are interested in bringing school year programming or free clinics to your community, please email
What type of programs do you offer during the school year?
Our confidence-building sports programming is designed to shape kids strong in body, mind and team. We are proud to offer the following options:
- Multi-sport classes
- Single sport classes (flag football and pickleball have both been hits)
- Birthday parties (for girls or boys)
- Private and small group lessons
- Girl Scout events
- Day off School events
- Kids Sports Day or Night fundraisers
- Signature ‘Proud to Throw Like a Girl’ Clinics
- Preschool classes
- Co-ed classes & events
- Boys classes & events
If you have a group looking for a multi-sports or sports-specific session of regular classes, give us a call. We will do our best to accommodate.
Options vary depending on location. Please check your closest location page for what’s happening near you!
Don’t hesitate to ask about our community service programs!